Home : Track Certs

Manage Dept Training & Certs With Ease!

There are some "heavy weight" programs out there to manage a department's training and certifications. Frankly, nobody likes them and they are overpriced, right? Finally there is an easy-to-use (maybe even fun-to-use) modern app alternative! Log in from an iOS device (iPad works best for data entry) and enter a training class in seconds. You can backfill from a paper sign-in sheet, or let students sign-in themselves at the beginning of class. Data is stored on the cloud so you can access it from any device, anywhere. Looking up training hours, CE's, certifications is lightning fast and easy with the intuitive modern interface. Share reports by email or print. Email certificates at the end of class, immediately, if you like. For a small to medium fire dept, this is inexpensive and full featured. Manage all your training data and stay on top of the numbers without hassle and headaches.


Email us for a free trial today

See more screen shots in our Facebook album here

Here is a list of features in Training Manager

Get the app on iTunes App Store (account required to use)